Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Favourite Lipstick

Lipstick! This is the first makeup that I put on my skin. I use lipstick since I was.. hmm.. 4 years old, maybe? Haha! I remember how I secretly went into Mom’s bedroom and try her lipstick when she was in her office. And I did it every day! :p Terus gue udah dibeliin another lip products (lip balm and lipstick) sejak SD, dan mulai pake lip gloss pas SMP-SMA-kuliah. Kelas 3 SD bahkan gue udah bisa pake lipstick rapi tanpa liat cermin! *cool* hahaha! I love lip color!

So in this post, I’ll tell you about my favorite lipstick that I use right now. Lipstik favorit gue saat ini ada dua, Maybelline Moisture Extreme Lipcolor C31 Cosy Tangrine dan Revlon ColorStay Ultimate Suede 005 Muse. Dan kedua lipstick itu ngga bisa berfungsi maksimal kalau sebelumnya gue ngga pakai Maybelline Baby Lips in Anti Oxidant Berry flavor. Selain melembabkan, lip balm ini juga ada SPF 20-nya, jadi aman kalo lagi panas-panasan nunggu angkot, ngga takut bibir jadi gelap :D

Kalau dilihat dari namanya, we can guess that these lipsticks have character that opposite to each other. The first one is Moisture Extreme that will moisturize your lips and add a little glossy finish, sementara yang kedua adalah ColorStay yang warnanya bisa tahan walau kita abis makan gehu dan risoles, hehehe! Hasil akhir dari ColorStay tentunya lebih matte dari Moisture Extreme. Makanya harus pakai lip balm dulu biar ngga pecah-pecah.

What is your favorite lipstick? Do you like glossy of matte finish?


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